Prepping For The Information Apocalypse
Ok, so saying “ Prepping for the Information Apocalypse “ may seem extreme, however it’s actually not that far-fetched these days, so stick with me here for a minute.
There is a spectrum to prepping and a variety of driving reasons for each of us. Some prep for tornados, hurricanes, or heavy snowfall …just enough to get them through short term events if stores are closed or electricity is out for a few days.
Others prep for more serious long term reasons like the entire electrical grid going down, a possible EMP (electromagnetic pulse) via attack or solar flare, or worse.
But what about the most current realistic reasons that most of the world just experienced? Unexpected sickness and/or sudden job loss? What about Supply Chain Disruptions?
What about rolling blackouts happening already not only in other countries, but here in the States as well? YES, they HAVE been happening in California and spreading to other states. Most of us don’t think twice about it because we aren’t affected but what if it comes to YOUR neighborhood? Are YOU prepared?
*Disclaimer- As an Affiliate, I earn from purchases made from links below.
Taking a step back
What if things don’t get as bad as loosing access to food or electricity, but more simply what if you just don’t have the internet anymore?
What if it goes down via fluke system error, hacking, or intentional governmental interference?
Even MORE simply and possible….What if you have an income loss and have to make cuts wherever possible and decide to cut the Internet out of your monthly bills, even just temporarily?
Where Did It All Go?!?
One last scenario that started happening and put chills down my spine. What if information that we are able to access online, that we WANT to access, gets even MORE controlled and censored than we already have been noticing the last couple years?
A few months ago I saw a post on Facebook and had to try it for myself to see if it was serious. So I searched in Pinterest “Essential Oils for Flu Season” .
I expected to find pins regarding Immune Boosting Essential Oils, Air Cleansing Oils to diffuse in a room, or DIY sanitizing blends for cleaning surfaces etc..
Instead I found a disclaimer re: CDC and WHO then scrolled through page after page of pins regarding getting vaccinated. Not a single pin about essential oils. Not a single pin about boosting our Immune Systems in any way. This, my friends, is text book propaganda. Screenshots below.

They have since changed this and now it shows just the disclaimer, but not the vaccine pins as they are back to allowing the essential oil pins. But it amazed me that with one fowl swoop all of those pins and information they contain could vanish because the higher powers that be don’t agree with them.
I looked up “Natural Flu Remedies” next. It had the same disclaimer but for now has appropriate pins available. Are those next to go though?
Shortly after experiencing this, Facebook went down for an entire day. What about all those posts of recipes and DIY instructions that we tend to share so that it shows up on our own timeline for easy reference? Couldn’t access them at all during this period of time.
What about all of our pictures? It’s become backup picture storage of our most precious moments.
How reliant are YOU on the internet for info?
Literally as I type this, a news report came on that there was a Comcast Internet outage….SEEEEEE!! It happens!
These few events make me pause and realize how very dependent I am on the internet for ALL of my reference materials, recipes, and random directions.
How long and what temp to dehydrate something specific? I just google it! How to make an herbal healing salve? Pinterest it!
Many things I know how to make but need reminders of ratios or exact details.
For my entire adult life I prided myself on not having stacks of unused magazines and cookbooks collecting dust, because I MUCH rather google recipes and choose which to try based on star ratings and reviews. If I want to save them for future use I just virtually “bookmark” them or share on social media.
But what happens if we suddenly can’t retrieve ANY of that information for whichever of the above mentioned reasons?
So Lately I’m Prepping and Building My Reference Supply
And I tell you, it feels so good! Just as good as it feels to know you have a supply of food stashed away for emergencies. This is just another category and area to put some attention to in your prepping.
So here’s my Challenge to You…
I challenge you THIS week, to start making a list of what you want hard copies of. It’s a wish list, a goal list, gift idea list, (whatever you want to call it!). Just start writing them down.
While you are at it, jot down a list of recipes that you always go to the internet for as well.
After you do this, start whittling away at it by writing down or printing off what you could get online and also start looking for any books that you wrote down. With the books keep in mind Library book sales, Christmas gift ideas when someone asks you what you want, thrift stores, etc… Lately, I have been using Thriftbooks.com a lot as well.
Now if you have books or internet recipes on YOUR list, that isn’t on mine PLEASE as always by all means comment below!!
I’m going to share with you what books I’ve gotten so far and why.
I’ve gotten these books through Amazon for convenience, as gifts, 2nd hand stores, and tag sales so it DOESN’T have to cost a lot to prepare this category. I promise! Also, there are plenty of free e-books that could be printed as well.
First Food Preserving Books
Ball Canning Books – Any within their line are beneficial to be sure you have safety tested and approved recipes for canning.
The Dehydrator Bible – Not only does this book give you instructions on dehydrating almost everything, along with any pretreatments that may be needed, temps and timing, but it also has over 400 recipes on HOW to use what you just dehydrated!
Amish Community Cookbook – I’m not Amish, however I find that Amish and/or Mennonite cookbooks are a great resource to have because they tend to be getting back to basics and basic ingredients. I encourage you to scroll around reviews and find any simple, “back to basics” type cookbook that you could just have on hand.
Now what about natural healing, herbal remedies, and edible plants?
What if we can’t quickly google identification, uses, and instructions?
Prescription for Nutritional Healing- This book I was shocked to find at a library book sale and got it for $2 which was a steal! For years I had worked at a large chain natural food store in the Supplement Dept. At every store location, the Supplement Dept kept this book at it’s desk for employee and customer reference.
You could look up almost any ailment and find what foods to eat, supplements to take including dosage, and what herbs to use as well. It’s hands down an amazing book to have in your home library for reference, and I think an essential when prepping to be without the internet.
What if you can’t get to the Dr? What if the Dr’s wait time for an appointment is too far out? What if you don’t have ins. and can’t afford to see a Dr? Or what if you would like to try natural healing as a first resort and modern medicine as the last resort?
This book is excellent to have on hand for all of those reasons!
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies – You may have seen ads for this on Facebook. I know I did! It’s a beautifully illustrated, information packed resource guide on what plants found out in nature that have medicinal uses and how to properly use them depending on your ailment.
Edible Wild Plants – Another great plant identification book for not just medicinal plants but generally edible ones. I like that this one also shows what region the plants are found so you aren’t wasting time looking for a plant that doesn’t even exist in your area.
Both of the last two books are so much fun to bring along camping, but also awesome to use just in the backyard! I’m amazed with how we are surrounded by so much food and medicine, don’t even realize it, and/or take them for granted.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms – This mushroom book is recommended by so many foragers that I know, and I can’t wait to dig into it. Of course, look for one in YOUR region, I’m sure there has to be one available.
Prepping For Hunting
If you or your spouse aren’t an experienced hunter OR butcher but starting to hunt or plan to be more self-sufficient, grabbing some good books is a great idea just in case Googling isn’t an option when you need it.
Troy is starting to get into hunting, however if/when he gets something I have absolutely no clue what to do with it. I bought the following books for him as a gift…. but secretly for myself as well!
My husband likes to watch the show “Meat Eater” and these books are by the host of that show.
There is a book for Big Game and Small Game. Not only about hunting them but also how to butcher them and ways to cook them with recipes…BINGO! This is what I….I mean WE needed to have on hand!
The Encyclopedia of Country Living – This is a book on my wish list. It comes repeatedly highly recommended by many homesteaders that I’ve talked to.
While building my Homestead Resource Library with books, I’m also writing out and/or printing off my favorite recipes that I’ve gotten from online sources.
Many are from blogs, and not only is there a possibility of a loss of internet but what about just a blogger shutting down their blog?
Here’s my list of recipes that I regularly visit online and don’t want to go through an Information Apocolypse without!
As I’m typing this out and attaching links, I’m printing them out to save forever.
Bread Machine Pizza Dough– I intentionally put this one first because we literally make this almost every single day. Picky Eater Approved! When making a single batch I always have to add the extra water that she talks about and won’t do it again without it. Double batch comes out perfect as is.
Skillet Chicken Pot Pie- I have never tasted a more flavorful chicken pot pie. This is a staple recipe!
Skillet Ground Beef Egg Noodle Casserole – “Flavor Bomb” is how the writer describes this recipe, and OH MY GOODNESS that is a spot on description! I most definitely do NOT want to go through an Info Apocalypse without having this recipe printed out. It freezes great and I could picture the noodles tasting delicious under chili leftovers as well. Try out the original and you will see what I mean!
Honeybaked Ham Copycat Recipe- This is my latest find….OHHHHHHH baby! You could so very easily turn a $13 Ham into tasting like a $75 professional one.
KFC Copycat Coleslaw- Summers and BBQ’s wouldn’t be the same without this recipe!
Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip- There are rarely any leftovers when bringing this dip to a party. Best served with a nice Roasted Garlic or Simelina Bread cubes. For years this has been the recipe I’m known for bringing to any event. However, last week I was in the mood for it so bad with nowhere to go, so I made it for myself but put it over bow tie pasta and added some leftover chicken. DELICIOUS!!
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread- We leave out the walnuts and don’t drizzle the icing and it comes out perfect every single time. This is another household staple here. It makes three loaves, so we immediately eat one and freeze the other two that we continue to eat from regularly. It also is a hit at bake sales! When sold by the thick slice, we had people come back for more.
Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookies- Is there any other Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe needed?! This is our “go-to”! I recently was told that this is the perfect base for any goodie cookie, like M&M’s, Reese Pieces, etc…
Cranberry Oatmeal White Chocolate Chip Cookies- Good Ole’ Martha Stewart hits it out of the park again! This is Troy’s favorite cookie and perfect to bring to a holiday party. They take awhile to make, so I reserve this as a once a year treat for him. I add white chocolate chips into the batter which completes it.
Now Don’t Forget To Print Out Your Most Precious Photos Instead Of Relying On Internet Storage!
I can’t wait to hear your suggestions as well! If you want to keep in touch remember to subscribe to our Monthly (sometimes Quarterly if life is too busy!) Newsletter. Till next time, be blessed!
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