Gift Ideas For Homesteaders
Trying to find gift ideas for homesteaders in your life could be loads of fun! We love all things old fashion, promoting self-sufficiency, and genuinely cherish homemade! You could go from fairly inexpensive to as elaborate as you wish.
When our friends and extended family really saw our passion and vision, it meant the world to us that they gifted us with things adding to that dream. It meant that they respected and supported our choice of living, didn’t think we were crazy, and it was an investment into our future and our success.
If you are looking for homemade gift ideas, check out our Homesteading Gift Ideas page.
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

During winter days when all projects are covered by a foot of snow and day light is short, reading a good book that gives us knowledge, to add to our homesteading tool belts, is much appreciated. The benefits from this gift could be experienced for years and years after.
Is there anything on their land that they are NOT doing that you think they may be interested in? Goats? Bees? Structure buildings? What about ways to improve soil, as gardens are our life lines on our homesteads? Bread making, cheese making, anything making and how to…the possibilities are endless!
I think everyone with land or planning to get some could benefit from the Edible Wild Plants (paid link)book. We used it all last year to identify plants throughout our property.
We are currently reading Sweet Maple (paid link) to attempt our own crash course before tapping tis year for the first time.
Cast Iron Pans

Most homesteaders, that I know, have a cast iron addiction and major cast iron envy when they see other’s collections.
We were gifted a beautiful Lodge Cast Iron pan (paid link) that has a deer on the bottom, making it a beautiful decorative piece as well.
Pans are appreciated but fairly easy to come by. Make it even more special with a design on the bottom or by getting a different type of piece.
A Dutch oven, casserole dish, or corn bread pan (paid link) are all awesome gifts! Pair it with a cast iron cook book and you are sure to please the one receiving!

Knives are great gift ideas for homesteaders as well. Does the person you are buying for hunt or butcher their own animals for meat? A really nice knife set would be invaluable.
If not for meat use, then how about for chopping in the kitchen? We chop a LOT of hard root vegetables and a nice quality knife (and/or knife sharpener!!) would be a wrist saver for sure! Pair it with a nice cutting board perhaps.
Last year, for Christmas, Troy gifted one of our sons with a Buck knife that he had engraved. His special nickname (which is just between the two of them) on one side, and Love Dad on the other. Our son loved it so much that, for Father’s Day, he gifted the same exact knife but with the reverse engraving, “Love Bubbaloo”. It is something they will always cherish. We got the knives w/ engravings from DLT Trading (not an affiliate link).
Random Kitchen Gadgets

This year I was SOO excited to receive a hand butter churner as a gift. How fun! And even though we don’t have a cow (yet), it’s great to know that if stores were to run out of butter (that would SEEM extreme, although we all saw the reality of possibilities during this Covid year) I could make my own with some heavy cream.
Another level of self-sufficiency AND a fun activity with the kids as we pass the jar and take turns churning!
Other kitchen gadget gift ideas for homesteaders would be a pasta maker machine, a fermentation crock, fermentation weights, Ball jars for canning (any size!!), canning lids!! (another extreme shortage this year), dehydrator, mill grinder (they could make their own flour!!), or bread maker (while we like all things homemade, we like convenience sometimes too! These are great when the chore list is long and our time to be in the kitchen is short).
Syrup Tapping Supplies

Did you know that you don’t have to live on an official “sugar bush” or even have a single “Sugar Maple” to make syrup? There are multiple types of Maple trees that could be used to make maple syrup and even more varieties of trees like Black Walnut and Birch that you could tap for a range of syrup types.
The taps and hoses are fairly inexpensive. Put them in a bucket, throw in a how-to book or print out free instructions from online. Add in some filter cones and you are setting them up for such a fun experience!
If they don’t have trees to use, they could always spread the word or make a social media post. “Looking for access to specific type of trees and will share finished product with the owners in return.”
Harvest Basket
A quality Harvest Basket would be perfect for any homesteader. Gift it as is or line it with some newspaper (which could be composted or used as mulch in the garden and way more beneficial than gift tissue paper), throw in some seeds, gardening gloves, and you’ll have a thoughtful and useful gift for almost anyone on your list.
Sewing Kit

If the recipient of your gift sews, then what about a beautiful bundle of different patterned material? How fun it will be to see what they create with it!
100% cotton Quilters weight fabric would probably be most useful. (Pictured is flannel for a specific project.) Don’t worry about getting enough for a full on quilt. Even part of a project’s worth of material would be appreciated.
The more sentimental the fabric is, the more special the creation could be. Take a stroll through the aisles of Joanne Fabrics and see what patterns may remind you of that person. Added tidbits could be matching thread, a good pair of sewing sheers, or a creative pin cushion. Perhaps even add a packaged pattern that makes you think of the person.
Crochet/Knitting Kit

Does the person you are gifting to know how to crochet or knit? Are they interested in learning? A great set of hooks/needles and a few skeins of yarn would be opened with joy!
An added touch would be a “how to” book, if needed, or printing some free patterns online to include in your bundle.
I like using Lion Brand Heartland Quick & Thick or Caron Simply Soft yarns for most of my projects.
Wooden Sign

Us, homesteaders, are suckers for a good wooden sign. Brownie points if you make it yourself! It could be the name of their homestead, a quote, country image, or animal.
We cherish ones that we get from family and friends. They have gotten them from Cabela’s, Etsy, and Good Will even…they are all equally thoughtful and loved.
The “Together” sign spoke to me as soon as I saw it on Etsy. I was too busy with all of my other homemade homesteading gift ideas, to attempt to make it, and honestly I don’t think I could have done as well. I loved it, ordered it, and gifted it to Troy. The Ravaged Barn (not an affiliate just a fan!) on Etsy has BEAUTIFUL and very reasonably priced signs.
The red fingerprint sign I made for Troy, a couple of years ago. I collected the fingerprints and signatures of all who helped create the foundation and floor base to our cabin. The plan is to continue to add to the collection of fingerprints as we build.
“Bigger” $$$ Gift Ideas For Homesteaders
Cordless Power Tool

If you’re wanting bigger gift ideas for homesteaders, what about cordless power tools?!?! They are SOOO useful, especially if your loved one is out in the middle of nowhere, trying to off grid, or building a structure a distance away from their home camp.
Trust me, there is only so much generator noise one could take at a clip.
Before you invest in such a higher priced item, find out if there is a brand that they already like or have. Batteries and chargers are expensive. You will want to stick with the same brand they currently use, so that those extra pieces could be interchangeable.
We are HUGE Milwaukee power tool fans and LOVE their cordless miter saw. We have used it to build multiple structures and it works out amazing for all of the inconvenient locations we typically build at. Cuts like butter!
Solar Oven
This is something on my personal wish list. It’s a little box that uses the sun to cook your food. I have watched so many Youtube videos of people using solar ovens. I can’t wait to get my hands on one to try it out.
What a wonderful and unique addition to gift ideas for homesteaders. It could be utilized all year long, keeping the heat out of the house in the summer and giving a backup if needed in winter.
Plus, it’s just a really cool idea to have the ability to use the sun to cook almost anything!
Trail Cam

On the “Bigger” gift ideas for homesteaders list, we should also include Trail Cameras! These range greatly in price and quality, so do your research and look at reviews.
We originally purchased a middle of the road one from Cabela’s that was recommended by an employee there. It worked perfectly for a year then stopped taking night, dawn, and dusk pics (which is when the majority of the real fun action occurs!).
We had it for a few years and it took decent pics when it decided to take them. This year someone stole it.?.?. We think. So Troy and I decided that, for this Christmas, we would do a joint gift to ourselves & each other and purchase the trail cams that we have been looking into for the past year. We purchased a pack of 3 and are in the works of writing our review up for it…Stay tuned!