25 Mother’s Day Gardening Gifts under $25
Every year, Mother’s Day sneaks up on me. I find perfect Mother’s Day gardening gifts throughout the summer and make mental notes of them.
But then Spring arrives and by the time I remember it’s too late to get and mail a gift. My mom is left instead with just a really quick “Happy Mother’s Day!” call between the chaos of kids’ noises.
A few months ago, I came across the perfect card for her. I sent it right away, knowing that I would either loose it or not remember in time to get it to her by Mother’s Day.
I’m grateful that she, being a mom of 5, “get’s it” and never makes me feel guilty. However she deserves better than that!
Let this be a reminder to us both, that Mother’s Day is literally around the corner!
There is time (right now!) to pick something special up for our moms, mother-in-laws, grandmothers, and/or daughters who are moms, etc… Guys these are also great Mother’s Day gifts for wife as well! *hint hint*
With the wonders of modern day online purchases, it can’t get any easier to order something and have it directly sent to them if they live farther away!
Mother’s Day gifts don’t have to break the bank either. Something special to let them know you are thinking of them and care is what matters. I love gifts that are useful and find they are even better by not unnecessarily adding to clutter.
Disclaimer: This post contains Affiliate links for Lehman’s, Tractor Supply, and Amazon. As an Affiliate Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to the consumer.
Mother’s Day Gardening Gifts
1. Windchimes
This is usually what we gift to my Mother-In-Law (for Christmas though), as she has a BEAUTIFUL collection of chimes. All different styles, sizes, and sound.
Wind chimes in a garden adds to the visual appeal, but also the serene atmosphere in general, as the light sounds fill the air with each breeze.
Wind Chimes could also temporarily deter critters that may be attracted to Mom’s garden. I say temporarily because they tend to get use to the noise after enough visits back.
However, metal wind chimes hanging above a chicken run may help deter hawks, not only for the noise (which they get used to) but also the reflection and the way the sun bounces off, which is said to keep hawks away and they don’t get used to nearly as quickly.
2. Mason Bee House
These are so cool! Guys we NEED bees! We NEED pollinators in our gardens! Unless Mom is allergic, SHE needs bees in her garden too!
What better way than to set up a house for them!?!? Bee populations are dying at alarming rates. Let’s do what we can to help the bees out as well as our moms with excellent pollination in her garden this year!
What about an insect hotel that houses bees, ladybugs, butterflies, and more?
How fun!
3. Garden Solar Lights
I have a love hate relationship with solar lights…I love the pretty ones, and hate the ones with glowing eyes. They completely freak me out!
We have a small fox that the kids gave me. Of course, I am obligated to use it because it was a gift from my precious children, however I secretly hate the creepy thing. I glance out the window and get startled almost every night!
Now solar lights done RIGHT, on the other hand, I would LOVE to accept into my garden space as they could add such a calming pleasant ambience.
4. Bird House
Who doesn’t love a pretty bird house?
Birds help with pest control by eating garden harming insects. They are also great weed eaters! We HAVE had a few snip off the tops of our very young tomato plants which I didn’t appreciate however their benefit of bug control gains them forgiveness.
5. Bird Feeder
I never had an appreciation for bird feeders until my husband gifted me one. I absolutely love watching the different varieties of birds that it attracts to the yard, and Mom does too!
I often will be in the kitchen and notice darts of color pass my window out of the corner of my eye. Bright yellow, red, and blue catch my eye the most it seems.
6. Hummingbird Feeder
I feel like hummingbirds play a game with us humans. If we are lucky enough, we get to catch a glimpse of their delicate beauty.
7. Harvest Basket
These are a hot tend right now! There is something so fulfilling and pleasing when you get to fill your harvest basket with the fruits of your hard work. Whether vegetables or flowers, a full harvest basket is filled with joy!
8. Gardening Gloves
Another great Mother’s Day gardening gift is a simple pretty pair of gardening gloves. So many different patterns to choose from!
Like socks, I’m always losing one of EVERY pair of gloves that I own and usually end up gardening with mismatched gloves.
9. Garden tools
Not all garden tools are created equal
While you could definitely make do with any ole shovel, nothing could beat a good sharp pair of Fiskars Garden Clippers!
I still consider myself young (approaching middle age perhaps) but I could feel the grip in my hands changing and could imagine how they are going to be in 10-20 years! Fiskars is my best friend when it comes to garden work.
10. Garden Journal
Here’s a unique and very useful gift for ANY gardener! You may have seen me mention it in a previous post.
I am NOT an affiliate and get no commission on any sales, I just truly think this Garden Journal is wonderful!
It’s a printable PDF garden management planner that helps keep you organized in all of your garden’s needs.
Print and put it into a pretty binder (Staples and even the Dollar Tree have decorative ones!) and you’ll be good to go, with a gift that I bet your mom has never received before!
Click below for Suzan’s Etsy Shop.
11. Garden Kneel Pad
Knees are the other joints that take a beating while gardening! Kneel pads could be a simple, inexpensive add on gift, to accompany any of the above (or below) mentioned. They could also be more elaborate with handles that converts into a stool as well!
12. Gardening Apron
Not only do gardening aprons save your clothes from getting ruined with dirt, but they also keep all the essential tools (and snacks!) at your fingertips! Some people even prefer to load them up with their harvests instead of carrying a basket.
13. Planter
We can’t go wrong with a nice planter for moms. It could have a nice saying, a pretty design, or unique shape. I feel like I never have enough planters whenever I need them.
If you have kids, add their handprints! Nothing is more precious than a child’s handprint, and I’m sure Grandmas would agree too!
14. Garden Trellis
Another thing that I feel like every gardener doesn’t have enough of are garden trellises.
For flowers, cucumbers, beans, peas, and more they are great for a variety of plants and help prevent diseases by providing support off the ground and good air circulation.
15. Garden Watering Can
What about a pretty or unique watering can?? I personally like the rustic, antique looking ones.
16. Cloche and Barriers
Does your mom complain of critters getting to her plants, especially lettuce?! What about gifting cloche and barriers and give the gift of garden protection?
17. Tower Planter
These are apparently the hottest gardening item this year!
I haven’t picked mine up yet but plan to! I’ve been seeing them and hearing about them EVERYWHERE.
Growing vertically is an awesome way to maximize on your grow space, but also for those with very limited grow space as well!
18. Stepping Stone
These could range from silly to sentimental but are a great, simple gift that could be tucked into her favorite garden bed. Whenever she sees it, she’ll think of you and smile.
19. Ball jars and/or LIDS!!
If you can’t find these online, try your local grocery or hardware store. I just picked up some from our local Agway and True Value Ace Hardware. There had been a major shortage, however they seem to be trickling back into stores. Get them while you are able if your mom cans!
20. Ball Canning Book
Ball has a few different great USDA approved canning cook books available. For recipes to be considered safe from risk of botulism they should technically be a USDA tested and approved recipe.
(I know there are some Canning Rebels out there that will argue that statement however, I’m “Safety Sally” and I don’t like taking risks.)
21. The Food Dehydrating Bible (if she has a dehydrator)
On the food preservation theme, this book will be a welcomed gift for anyone who dehydrates!
22. Butterfly Garden Seeds Kit
A simple gift that could bring so much joy as all of the varieties of flowers bloom and the corner of her garden is filled with butterflies!
23. Avocado Pit Planter- WHAT?!?
Ok, guys! As I was searching for some unique finds, I came across this gem and can’t wait to try it out!
You could actually start your own Avocado tree in your kitchen!
If your mom likes Avocados this may be a fun gift for her!
24. T-shirt
There are a zillion gardening t-shirts out there with all kinds of sayings that I’m sure you’ll be able to find the perfect one to represent your wonderful mother.
25. Sprouting Kit
Mom could “garden” all year inside her home with a sprouting kit! Sprouts are excellent in salads, on sandwiches, and even sautéed!
No soil needed and harvest in 6-7 days. Seeds, a sprouting lid, and a mason jar is all that it takes!
Maybe she was an avid gardener but moved to an apartment with no yard, or physically can’t do the same work anymore.?.?.
This could the perfect gift!
“Splurge” Gift
If $25 is too low of a budget and you would like to “Splurge” a bit, a Dehydrator is an awesome way to go!!
Practical, useful, and could give Mom a whole new hobby!
Sorry, I HAD to throw this one in because I am becoming obsessed with my dehydrator lately!
I have this Presto which is great for beginners!
What did I decide on for MY mom this year??
I can’t say here in case she reads this, but I’m ordering it right now so that I don’t forget!!
Save For Later!
Whaterever you choose as a Mother’s Day Gardening Gift, it will be perfect because it’s from YOU!
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Love this, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for checking it out! Glad you enjoyed it!
All of those Gardening Mother’s Day Gift Ideas are perfect. 🙂
Thank you mom! 😉 I love you!